Wednesday, September 15, 2010


It's your friendly neighbourhood spider-man... No. I was just bored lol- It's you know who. It's crap. But I felt like posting a self-caricature.

One of my faves of the Season. Not only cuz it looks like him, but because I indicated myself in his glasses, lol

This was a benchmark in my coloring experience, when I started to understand form. Although my style is obviously not as simplified as it should be for a theme park caricature, I still improved. Yay!!

She was fun to draw. Her mom really liked it.

The sense of lighting is what I really like about this one.

This guy's friend poking through the window with the giant bald head was absolutely hilarious! (he actually looked like that). I did one of him too, but his jokes were so funny, I decided to add him as creep in his friend's caricature. It was mid-way through the season. I know, it's too detailed. But I like it. They didn't mind the hour- it was entertaining actually. Money well spent lol.

This is too funny. I should have taken a pic of her holding it. The drawing itself, I don't like, except the fact that her face actually looks like this.. aaha. Her friends were laughing hard.

I'll post some group photos, and some black and white ones later... Peace for now world!